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November 4, 2016Child Element Consultation – Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit
Dear parents,
Please see below information on new elements of the Child Tax Credit scheme due to come in force April 2017. You can let them know your thoughts by clicking on ‘consulation’ and completing a review of the proposed changes.
‘The child element in Universal Credit and the individual element in Child Tax Credit will be payable to a maximum of 2 children from April 2017 (Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016).
DWP and HMRC have launched a joint consultation on the exceptions to these reforms. The consultation seeks evidence and views to inform the detailed design of the 4 exceptions that have been announced, and their implementation. It is not a consultation on the policy itself.
Please bring this to the attention of interested partners and encourage them to participate. The consultation will close on the 27 November 2016.’